Surveillance Capitalism
Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism explains what Surveillance Capitalism is and why we should all be concerned about our data and what companies and entities are doing with that data.
Quit Social Media
Dr. Cal Newport, professor at Georgetown Univeristy and computer scientist book author of five books including Digital Minimalism and A World Without Email shares his insights as the why he has never had a social media account, and why we should be aware of the harms of these platforms.
Digital Dependence
Modern digital media technologies have revolutionized the way we live, learn, work and play. Whether it be through smartphones, apps, social media, video games, or the internet, technology has delivered unprecedented convenience and abundance to our fingertips. But is there a dark side to this convenience? In this session, we will explore some potential harms of unmitigated access to digital technologies to ourselves and our children as well as strategies to regain our balance.