Back to Basics: Giving the Body Its Due
When the Prophet ﷺ was asked what should one make dua for, he replied “Ask Allah for Afiya.”
One of the greatest blessings a person can have is Afiya. Without your health, how would your spiritual works be effected? Sometimes, we think our physical health and wellness is a worldly matter, leading us to neglect its importance. Our bodies are one of the greatest blessings Allah has given us. How are we worshipping Allah through maintaining and using the blessing of our health? The Prophet ﷺ taught us that our bodies have a right over us. How are we worshipping Allah through fulfilling its right upon us?
The believer must be well informed about foods, habits, lifestyles that weaken or harm their body and those that maintain and strengthen the body. Not for its own sake, but because it is a means to worship Allah.
The Prophet ﷺ replied when asked who is the best of people: “The best of people is one whose life is long and works are good.”
Meaning, they maintained their health for the sake of Allah and lived a righteous life. The companions were some of the strongest men and women in history, and they used that strength for the sake of Allah.
SageTree seeks to educate Muslims about the importance of being healthy and strong physically for the worship, service, and pleasure of Allah. Contact us for a free workshop/seminar on the following topics:
Physical Wellbeing: Essential Duty for the Believer
Brain Health: Combatting Depression, Anxiety, and Unwanted Thoughts with Diet and Exercise
Eating and Living Healthy in the Modern Age
What’s Gotten Into Us, McKay Jenkins
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price
Anticancer: A New Way of Life, David Servan-Schreiber
The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS, Terry Wahls
Sugar Blues
Grain Brain, Dr David Perlmutter
The Vegetarian Myth, Lierre Keith
The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Ori Hofmekler
Foods the Fight Cancer, Dr Richard Beliveau
Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-Bride
Eat-Stop-Eat, Brad Pilon
Deep Nutrition, Dr. Catherine Shanahan
Original Strength, Tim Anderson
The Barbell Prescription
Starting Strength
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain
Posture: Get it Straight, Janice Novak
Enter the Kettlebell, Pavel Tsatsouline
Super Joints, Pavel Tsatsouline
Strong Medicine, Chris Hardy MD and Marty Gallagher
The Art of Chi Kung, Wong Kiew Kit
The Complete System of Self-Healing: Internal Exercises, Dr. Stephen Chang
The Holy Quran
Kitab al Adhkār, Imam Nawawi
The OCD Workbook, Bruce Hyman
Brain Lock, Jerrfey Schwartz MD
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-Bride
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain
The Science Delusion, Rupert Sheldrake
The Disease Delusion, Dr Jeffrey Bland