The Sacred Tradition: Islam, Iman, Ihsan

The Shariah is the means of ultimate happiness for mankind. The teachings of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ are the remedy for our ailments, physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Quran is a Shifa’ for the hearts. Believers around the globe recognize this.

However, how many of us have actually realized this in our lives? Anxiety. Depression. Stress. Inability to find balance in life. Worry. Doubts in religion. Lack of presence in prayer. Lack of peace in my heart. The Sunna of the Prophet is a remedy for all our troubles. Yet, have we been learning and applying the remedies as they were brought?

Our deviation from the traditional teachings of our Prophet ﷺ, preserved and passed down by the scholars and sages through the ages, is why we have not realized these teachings in our lives. Our historical context plays a big role in the state we find ourselves individually and as an ummah. After the fall of the Islamic Empire, colonial powers spread secular ideas and traditions across Muslim lands. As Muslims began taking on ideas and practices of others, reformist movements emerged in response. Such movements were not based on our Islamic tradition, but brought new practices of religion. Many of our grandparents and parents were born into this context, and passed on such practices to current generations of believers. These new versions of Islam did not enlighten the hearts of believers as they deviated from the comprehensive teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, which were preserved through the ages in the schools of Fiqh, the schools of Aqeeda, and the paths of Ihsan and Spirituality.

As from the beginning of the revelation, there has always been and still is an attack on the religion of Islam. Forces from without and within seek to corrupt the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, to steer the believer away from realizing true Tawhīd and falling in love with the Divine. Whether it be through incorrect practices, corrupting ideas and philosophies, or the loss of our spiritual tradition, the traditional teachings of the Prophet ﷺ have become lost on many.

SageTree seeks to revive our sacred traditions, to help bring individuals and communities to realize the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, and ultimately live happy lives in this world and the next. Contact us to request a free live seminar in your community on the following topics:


Shaken Faith: Atheism, Materialism, Doubts. Understanding our Aqeeda

Understanding the Four Schools of Fiqh and Development of Islamic Disciplines

History in context: Sacred Tradition and Modern Reformist Movements

Tradition of Tazkiya in Islam



Aqeeda: Al Sanusiyya

The classical text of Kalam, Al Sanusiyya, is of special importance today, when the aqeeda of Muslims is challenged from within and without. Shaikh Abu Adam provides a simple translation and commentary of this classical text. Download.






  • The Holy Quran

    Riyadul Saliheen, Imam al Nawawi

    The Book of Remembrances, Kitab al Athkar, Imam al Nawawi

    Al-Shifa, Qadi Iyadh

    Muhammad, Martin Lings

    Al-La Madhhabiyya: Why Abandoning the Madhhabs is the Most Dangerous Threat to the Shariah, Shaikh Ramadan al Buti

    Notions that Must be Corrected, Shaikh Mohammad al Maliki al Hasani

  • Creed of Imam al Tahawi, Translation by Shaikh Hamza Yusuf

    Imam al-Tahawi's Creed of Islam An Exposition by Abu Hafs Siraj al-Din al-Ghaznawi

    An Outpouring of Subtleties Upon the Pearl of Oneness Volume 1 and 2

  • The Book of Assistance, Imam al Haddad

    Al Hikam al-‘Ata’iyya

    Ihya Ulum al Din, Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

    Sea Without Shore


Traditional Islamic Online Resources



