Religion Shaykh Nuh Keller Religion Shaykh Nuh Keller

The Concept of Bid’a in the Islamic Shari’a

One of the greatest events in impact upon Muslims in the last thousand years is the end of the Islamic caliphate at the first of this century, an event that marked not only the passing of temporal, political authority, but in many respects the passing of the consensus of orthodox Sunni Islam as well. No one familiar with the classical literature in any of the Islamic legal sciences, whether Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir), hadith, or jurisprudence (fiqh), can fail to be struck by the fact that questions are asked today about basic fundamentals of Islamic Sacred Law (Sharia) and its ancillary disciplines that would not have been asked in the Islamic period not because Islamic scholars were not brilliant enough to produce the questions, but because they already knew the answers.

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Religion Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad Religion Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad

Understanding The Four Madhhabs

The ummah’s greatest achievement over the past millennium has undoubtedly been its internal intellectual cohesion. From the fifth century of the Hijra almost to the present day, and despite the outward drama of the clash of dynasties, the Sunni Muslims have maintained an almost unfailing attitude of religious respect and brotherhood among themselves.

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Religion Talha Masood Religion Talha Masood

Allahu Akbar

Sometimes it happens that we are blessed with wisdom from places we least expect. The only thing required is a welcoming heart; open to the idea of broadening our horizons to appreciate the beauty of this world in all its amazing hues. For me, one such moment, was when a friend asked me regarding a verse of the glorious Quran that inspired me the most…

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